The following write ups contain random people, their peculiar behaviour, the innate structures, the subtle air, austerity & aroma of places. This is to follow the intricate continuum to be; & that is between organic and inorganic, the movement and stillness, the space and sound & other similar Ying and Yang concepts.
The blurred vision between the two is considered always good in terms of floating continuity. Thus, the very structure of these pages would be a logical and literal continuum.
Although, this should have started earlier,; the exact documentation of human relative response; yet better late than never.
P.S. While starting, I humbly believe that writing in its personified versions must have left me , the same ruthless way I did it years ago. So, sorry if I sound like an obsolete observation at times; obsolete because the noun "observe" is in itself obsolete these days. But perhaps, No . There is something strange.The words have not left me yet; the words still overflow the jar of mind. Perhaps, that's the beauty of a language; it never leaves you.