We as a country were and still are great think thanks. No doubts, we thought and conceived the inventions and discoveries of modern science, about 1000s of years ago. We discovered the zero, the calculus, made aeroplanes, thought of the colours of sunlight (the seven horses of Sun), the theory of constant motion (the Brownian motion), the musical notes, yet we were left. We discovered the distance between celestial bodies; being masters of astrology and astrophysics. We discovered the essence of earth and its organism form (the Gaia theory), the concept of universal connectedness, the Heisenberg uncertainty, the circular articulation concept and the concept of "flow". Yet, again we were left. We were great observers, experimenters, thinkers and philosophers. Yet we were left; again and again. But were we? We as people left again. What did we do; we became "abstract"; a complete abstraction of our own developed thought process. And, abstraction as "mathematics"; requires an outside perspective to transform it into applicability. The whole applicability leads to the teleological aspect of thoughts and great philosophies; thereby defining the parameters of credits and discredits. Thus, plays in the impact model and the measure of impact so as to where goes the credit. Proof becomes a dominant part; since applicability leads to scalability; and so, does the abstraction become more tangible and perceptible. Yet, the creative thoughtful mind creates in "abstraction"; like a "mathematician" - an "artist"; because this is what it is meant for. When you try applying the parameters of credits to your abstraction; you get a contradiction; between the intrinsic value of a thought and a thing; what matters more. Once lost in this; you become neither. Let's make a choice; let's be abstract again or maybe its time to be more "applicable".
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